Л И С Т

                  04.04.2003  N 11/2-14-5225-ЕП

                                      Начальникам регіональних
                                      Начальникам митниць

       ( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної
                                             митної служби
         N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП ( v8521342-05 ) від 15.07.2005 )

     Відповідно    до    листа    Держмитслужби   від   28.02.2000
N 21/3-638-ЕП  (  v-638342-00  )  направляємо перелік сертифікатів
переміщення EUR.1,  які видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцію за період з 10 по 14 березня 2003 року.

AB652632|10.03.03|AS Laatsa Kalatoost     |frozen cooked cold               |
"       |"       |"                       |water shell-on shrimp            |20000
AB652677|11.03.03|AS Laatsa Kalatoost     |canned fish                      |59210
AB652634|11.03.03|OU Saare Fishexport     |spice sprat                      |19800
AB652678|12.03.03|AS Laatsa Kalatoost     |canned fish                      |66360
AB652640|14.03.03|OUSaareFishexport       |spice sprat                      |19800
AB652715|14.03.03|OU Saare Fishexport     |spice sprat                      |19800
AB652717|14.03.03|OU Saare Fishexport     |spice sprat                      |19800
AB652639|14.03.03|OU Saare Fishexport     |spice sprat                      |19800
AB652565|14.03.03|OU VRHL                 |frozen baltic sprats             |20200
AB661414|10.03.03|Palonet OU              |SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES          |19800
AB661743|14.03.03|Hako ltd.               |SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL             |49500
        |        |Ou Integraal Grupp      |BALTIC SPRATS IN TOMATO SAUCE    |7350
        |        |                        |SMOKED SPRATS PASTE              |9600
AB713606|11.03.03|AS DAGOTAR              |canned fish                      |7500
AB713605|11.03.03|AS DAGOTAR              |canned fish                      |67950
AB713608|13.03.03|AS DAGOTAR              |canned fish                      |67900
AB713609|14.03.03|AS DAGOTAR              |canned fish                      |22733,23
        |        |                        |                                 |
AB793605|10.03.03|Esmari laevad           |Frozen sprats                    |20150
AB789501|10.03.03|Nordline holding        |Frozen fish                      |19890
AB794082|10.03.03|Maksiprof               |Frozen sprats                    |19800
AB784864|12.03.03|Paljassaarea kalatoostus|Crab sticks                      |20154
AB784865|12.03.03|Paljassaare kalatoostus |Fish fingers                     |20273
AB788600|12.03.03|Makrill                 |Crab sticks                      |18792
AB788601|12.03.03|Makrill                 |Crab sticks                      |18830
AB766759|12.03.03|Maseko                  |Smoked sprats in oil             |18540
AB734786|14.03.03|Alcandra com            |Preserv salt sprats              |19600
AB784872|14.03.03|Paljassaare kalatoostus |Crab sticks                      |20066
AB789500|14.03.03|Nordline holding        |Frozen fish                      |20160
AB789507|14.03.03|Nordline holding        |Solted sprats                    |19900
AB789267|14.03.03|Krapesk                 |Baltic frozen sprats             |20500
AB722981|10.03.03|AS Raitar               |iced Baltic sprats               |60000
AB722982|11.03.03|AS Raitar               |iced Baltic sprats               |18600
AB723303|12.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |seasoned Baltic sprats           |20500
AB723295|07.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |seasoned Baltic sprats           |20500
AB722303|12.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |seasoned Baltic sprats           |20500
AB723302|12.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |seasoned Baltic sprats           |60000
AB723304|14.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |seasoned Baltic sprats           |21450
AB722983|14.03.03|AS Raitar               |salted Baltic sprats             |20000
AB723306|17.03.03|AS Kajax Fishexport     |frozen baltic sprats             |20400
AB719025|12.03.03|Maseko LTD              |Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/,|53833,77
        |        |                        |sardines in tomato sauce         |
        |        |                        |blanched, smoked Baltic herring  |
        |        |                        |in oil, peitus sparlings in      |
        |        |                        |tomato sauce, smoked sprats in   |
        |        |                        |oil, sardinella in tomato sauce  |
        |        |                        |with onion, sardinella in t/sauce|
        |        |                        |with sour cabbage, sardinella in |
        |        |                        |own juice with oil added,        |
        |        |                        |sardinella in in oil blanched,   |
        |        |                        |fish soup;;Atlantic;;            |
AB719028|13.03.03|Maseko LTD              |sardinella in tomato sauce       |13109
        |        |                        |blanched, smoked herring in oil ,|
        |        |                        |herring in tom/sauce with sour   |
        |        |                        |cabbage, herring in tom/sauce    |
        |        |                        |with onion, herring in own juice |
        |        |                        |with oil added                   |
AB719026|13.03.03|Maseko LTD              |herring in oil blanched smoked   |43156,4
        |        |                        |herring in oil , herring in own  |
        |        |                        |juice with oil added, Atlantic   |
        |        |                        |sardines in oil/slices/, sardines|
        |        |                        |in oil blanched, sardines in     |
        |        |                        |tomato sauce blanched, sardines  |
        |        |                        |in own juice with oil added,     |
        |        |                        |Baltic herring in oil blanched,  |
        |        |                        |smoked Baltic herring in oil,    |
        |        |                        |fried baltic herring in          |
        |        |                        |tom.sauce, sardinella in tomato  |
        |        |                        |sauce blanched, sardinella in oil|
        |        |                        |blanched, sardinella in own juice|
        |        |                        |with oil added, peitus sparlings |
        |        |                        |in tomato sauce,                 |
        |        |                        |smoked sprats in oil             |
AB719027|13.03.03|Maseko LTD              |mackerel in oil blanched,        |24499
        |        |                        |mackerel in tomato sauce         |
        |        |                        |blanched, mackerel in own juice  |
        |        |                        |with oil added, fishchops in     |
        |        |                        |tomato sauce, smoked sprats      |
        |        |                        |paste, fishballs in tomato sauce |
AB735970|07.02.03|Kriskal                 |Homogenized imitation products   |19854

 Перший заступник Голови Служби                         О.Б.Єгоров

 WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",